Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This weeks Challenge!

This weeks challenge is not to drink ANY pop. NONE at all. You can do it. I have not had any pop for at least 2 years (not a drop of any kind) so you CAN do it for one week. You can still have Milk, Juice, Lemonade. WATER. Just no pop, no code red, coke..... you know who you are! Juice is really good for you, so give it a try if you need some flavor, and anything with apple in it will help wake you up if you need a little pick me up. (it's suppose to be as good as coffee) So GOOD LUCK!! Let me know how you are doing. Any if you drink any I hope you feel really really bad for not doing the challenge (Shame). :)


g.suzie said...

Man, why did you post pics of those on here, it's only 7:30a.m.and they look really good. . .Do you have one in your fridge?

Only Girl said...

Thats what I was thinken a pop sounds real good right now while im just sitten here getting up-dated about everyone. A coke and a few chocolate covered cinnamon bear sounds real good!!!!!!

g.suzie said...

Curious, who was this post directed to anyway?

Only Girl said...

one day down and a few more to go. i made it threw and didnt even think about it until i looked at your blog. sure looks good.

Only Girl said...

IM A LOOSER!!!!!! did not do so swell.

Adriann said...

mom dropped out too. shame on you two! You better do better on this weeks challange!!!

Only Girl said...

Yes little sis i will be better and i will make sure ma is too!!!!!