Sunday, April 20, 2008

This Weeks Challenge

Here is your new challange for this week...... Ready. Give TWO compliments a day. They need to be ONE to TWO different people. Nice clothes, earings, something.....
Compliments are lost these days. People seem to be so worried about others they can't even stop to be happy for them and give them a little praise. So it's your job to start it up again. I will be participating as well in all the challanges. Oh yeah, and the other rule is only ONE of those compliments can be to a family member.
Good Luck! Shame on you for not doing completing the pop challange. Beware I WILL use that one again.


Only Girl said...

you cant tempt me with a picture everytime i pulled your blog up i needed one of those pops. i did not give up though i was hit and miss with that pop challenge. if i see it i want it. but this challenge a piece of cake. Yum-that sounds good right now. call me if you dont have too work and bring Suri out to play with Ella & Bailee. just come visit with me. by the way could you grab me a diet coke on your way out. Thanks little sis~LUV-U

g.suzie said...

All right 'game on', just needed a little pre-game preparation, I'm gonna have to syche myself ahead of time on the pop challenge.

Only Girl said...

Hey hows your mouth?????? Did you get some teeth pulled out???