Friday, November 14, 2008

Clean UP

Grandma Kerry got this vacume for Suri's birthday. She loves it when I vacume, I always have to hold her. Last time I vacumed she went and got her vacume and started doing her own cleaning...... ALL DAY LONG.


g.suzie said...

Send her down my way with that little vacuum. . .

Only Girl said...

cute i remember when trev had one of those I wish it really worked he wouild make messes just to clean them up. but he was really just mashing it in the carpet real good.

MelissaR said...

Tell Suri she can come clean my house anytime! Cooper wanted to see Suri, so we're checking in on your blog. Can't wait to see you guys for New Years at the cabin- we're hoping there's lots of snow, because we won't be getting ANY here!