Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chevy Due on the 4th

Ok everyone, you need to pick a day you think she will have it????? She is due on the 4th but I hope it comes on my birthday. So thats my pick...... the 7th.


g.suzie said...

I'll take the 4th, and by the way what do we win if we get it right. . . Can we help pick the name. . .

Only Girl said...

Good idea. Or maybe we should win the colt. I think the owner has plenty of horses!!!!!! Im gonna go with the 3rd. Poor thing looks like she might POP.....

Adriann said...

Yea, you can help pick the name if you win. Her name is "Peppys Tari Star" and daddys name is "Rare News"
She is getting really big! No milk yet so I think she'll be another day or two.

g.suzie said...

I'll take the 12, I hope I win the $100.00....Dad

Only Girl said...

It going to be the 7th, its going to come on your birthday.

Anonymous said...

It going to be the 7th, on ur b-day.

Anonymous said...

that one thats says on the 7th from my mom was from me my bad.

Anonymous said...

you picked the 7th so im going to pick the 8th.